Termination of Agency Agreement Uk

Termination of Agency Agreement in the UK: Everything You Need to Know

An agency agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the relationship between two parties, where one party (the agent) is authorized to act on behalf of the other party (the principal). However, there are instances where the relationship between the principal and the agent deteriorates, leading to the termination of the agency agreement.

In the UK, the termination of an agency agreement can be a complicated process, and it`s essential to understand the legal requirements to ensure that the termination is done properly. In this article, we`ll explore the different types of agency agreements and the termination procedures involved.

Types of Agency Agreements

There are two types of agency agreements in the UK: sole agency agreements and multi-agency agreements.

Sole Agency Agreements: In a sole agency agreement, the principal appoints one agent to act on their behalf. In this case, only the appointed agent is authorized to sell the principal`s goods or services, and the principal cannot engage another agent to work on their behalf. The agent in a sole agency agreement is entitled to a commission for any sale made during the period of the agreement.

Multi-Agency Agreements: In a multi-agency agreement, the principal has authorized several agents to sell their goods or services. The agents compete with each other to sell the principal`s goods or services, and only the agent who makes the sale is entitled to a commission.

Termination of Agency Agreement

Terminating an agency agreement can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary termination occurs when both parties agree to end the agreement, while involuntary termination occurs when one party decides to terminate the agreement without the other party`s consent.

Voluntary Termination: If both parties agree to terminate the agency agreement, they need to follow the termination procedure outlined in the agreement. As part of this process, they should provide each other with a written notice of termination, stating the termination date and the reasons for the termination.

Involuntary Termination: If one party decides to terminate the agency agreement without the other party`s agreement, they need to give notice in writing and state the reasons for the termination. The notice of termination should also specify the date of termination.

If the termination of an agency agreement is related to a breach of contract, the non-breaching party can claim damages for any losses suffered as a result of the breach. In this case, it`s essential to seek legal advice to ensure that your claim for damages follows the legal procedures outlined in the agreement.


Terminating an agency agreement can be a challenging process, and it`s important to understand the legal requirements to ensure that the termination is done properly. The termination procedure outlined in the agency agreement should be followed in both voluntary and involuntary terminations. Seeking legal advice can be helpful, especially if the termination is related to a breach of the contract. By following the proper termination procedures, both parties can avoid potential legal disputes and move on amicably.